
Unit 1
Number Systems | Binary Arithmetic | Fixed-point and Floating point representation of numbers | BCD Codes | Error detecting and correcting codes | Character Representation – ASCII, EBCDIC, Unicode
Unit 2
Boolean Algebra | Boolean Theorems | Boolean Functions and Truth Tables | Canonical and Standard forms of Boolean functions | Simplification of Boolean Functions – Venn Diagram, Karnaugh Maps.
Unit 3
Basic gates- AND, OR, NOT, NOR, NAND, XOR, XNOR | Implementations of these gates in circuit designing | Combinational Logic
Unit 4

Unit 5 
Sequential logic: Characteristics | Flip-flops | Clocked RS,D type, JK,T type and Master slave Flip-flops | State table | State diagram and state equation | flip-flop excitation table
Unit 6
Sequential Circuit: designing register | serial input serial output (SISO) | Serial input parallel output (SIPO) | Parallel input serial output (PISO) | Parallel input parallel output(PIPO) and shift register | designing Counters-ASYNCHRONOUS and SYNCHRONOUS binary counters | modulo-N Counters and Up Down counters
Unit 7
Memory and I/O Device: memory parameters | semiconductor RAM,ROM |magnetic and optical  storage device | flash memory |  I/O device and their controllers
Unit 8
Instruction design & I/O Organisation: machine instruction |  instruction set selection | instruction cycle | instruction format and addressing mode | I/O interface | interrupt structure | program controlled | interrupt-controlled and DMA transfer | I/O channels | IOP

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